Unlock Your Team’s Full Potential

With experience spanning forty-eight industries and over five hundred organizations, we offer proven strategies to elevate leadership, enhance communication, and drive business success. Take the first step towards creating a high-performing team that’s Thoughtfully Fit and prepared for any challenge.

“Darcy brings valuable knowledge and contagious enthusiasm during every presentation.”

Chris Rudolph

National Speaker

Based on Darcy Luoma’s unique Thoughtfully Fit model, our training programs can help build trust, improve communication, and navigate conflict in order to build a strong team culture that delivers results.

Regardless of your business or specific industry, we have a training program that’ll give your team the results you’re looking for.

What thoughts are your teams dealing with right now?

Click on one of the thoughts to get started. Alternatively, feel free to browse our full list of training options below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Darcy thinking

I have so much to do, I can’t even think.

Is your team lurching from crisis to crisis and can’t seem to catch a breath? If that sounds familiar, you need more STILLNESS!

Thoughtfully Fit Stillness: Close Your Tabs And Give Your Mind a Break

You know those days where your mind is racing, and you can’t focus on anything? We all experience them! It’s normal to fret about things or stew on one thought obsessively. While you can’t magic all your to-dos away, you can change how you think about them! But first, you’ll need to quiet your mind so you can notice your thoughts. This training will give you the tools to do exactly that. 

You’ll learn to recognize when your thoughts are spiraling, put your devices down and give your mind the Stillness it needs. Leave with concrete ways to quiet your mind, so you can minimize burnout and increase productivity.


  • Recognize two ways your thoughts can spiral “out of the zone”
  • Learn concrete ways you can quiet your mind
  • Develop a practice to get back “in the zone” so you can focus on what you do best

Perfect for: Employees who are feeling swamped
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

“Darcy delivered an engaging session that allowed my team to reflect while also providing tools to “bridge the gap.” I’d highly recommend working with Darcy (and her team)!”

Brandon Joachim

Associate Director, Milliporesigma

What am I even doing right now?

Are your leaders setting the right tone for high performance? Are your employees constantly feeling busy but not feeling productive? If that resonates with you, check out our training programs around building STRENGTH!

Thoughtfully Fit Strength: Boost Employee and Organizational Success Through Coaching

For team members to thrive and reach their goals, leaders can’t always be the one talking and just expect employees to fall in line. Employees need to be engaged, invited to take part in open and direct conversations, and clear on expectations. That’s where creating an intentional culture for high performance by training to get Thoughtfully Fit comes into play.

This dynamic program will explore the core principles of coaching as an effective style for employee conversations, leading to more engaged employees and greater results. Experience first-hand how to use coaching skills to create new awareness and build an environment of open communication, collaboration and accountability.


  • Understand the definitions and misconceptions of coaching: Participants will explore how coaching can positively impact team performance, morale, and personal accountability.
  • Increase awareness of the differences between mentoring, problem-solving and coaching: Participants will feel more confident identifying the differences between the three techniques and determining when the appropriate time for each.  
  • Identify core beliefs for coaching: Participants will identify the create the organizational culture necessary for effective dialogue about performance gaps and productivity.
  • Practice key Thoughtfully Fit skills: Participants will practice designing an alliance, asking thoughtful questions, and active listening.
  • Apply learning to real-world scenarios: Participants will use their own case studies to increase their effectiveness and apply their new skills immediately in the workplace.

Perfect for: Managers ready to expand their range and explore coaching as a management style
Length: 1 or 2 days
Focus: Leaders & Managers
Optional add-on: Boot Camp 

Thoughtfully Fit Strength: Discuss Performance Gaps without the Confidence Lapse

When your employees aren’t hitting the mark, what do you do? How much time do you spend trying to think of just the right thing to say to get them to change their behavior? 

As a leader, it’s critical to be able to describe expectations and standards and explore those gaps with employees. But that’s easier said than done. 

This session will provide tools to concretely define performance gaps (both for underperforming and high-potential employees) and specific scripts when needing to deliver feedback to employees. There will be time to practice these new skills in a safe and supportive environment.


  • Define the gap: Participants will learn a specific strategy to identify performance gaps and confidently communicate them to employees.
  • Tailor the message: Participants will explore the differences in discussing performance gaps with underperforming versus high-potential employees and how to tailor feedback in each situation.
  • Create dialogues, not monologues: Participants will practice effective communication techniques for discussing performance gaps with employees, including active listening and asking open-ended questions.
  • Practice the approach: Participants will gain confidence in delivering feedback by practicing using specific scripts in a supportive and safe environment.

Perfect for: Employees who are feeling swamped
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

Thoughtfully Fit Strength: Choose Your Day. Achieve Your Results.

Do you ever look at your calendar and wonder: How on earth did that get on here? If so, you’re not alone! It’s easy to say “yes” to everyone else and lose track of what you need to be working on. This engaging training will help you identify what’s most important, so you can consciously choose where to spend your time to achieve the greatest results. 

What if your day reflected your values, boundaries, and priorities? In this training, you’ll learn strategies to spend less time feeling overwhelmed, spinning your wheels, or simply moving from meeting to meeting. Leave with three concrete steps you can apply immediately to better manage your time to meet your goals.


  • Learn three steps to schedule your day more intentionally
  • Identify habits that get in the way of achieving what you want each day
  • Implement strategies to improve your calendar management to be more aligned with your organization’s goals and objectives

Perfect for: Employees who are feeling “busy” but not productive 
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

“Because of this program, I have a toolkit to refer to when I get stuck. I also feel validated that I’m not alone in the problems I have.”

Participant from a recent training


How do we get unstuck?

Is your organization going through change? Are employees hesitating to take on new projects or goals? Do you want to improve your team’s culture as it relates to feedback? Then you need to level-up your ENDURANCE muscle!

Thoughtfully Fit Endurance: Navigate Change Through Difficult Times

Change is inevitable in the workplace. To reach peak performance, teams must respond to the change that comes their way and also be willing to initiate change when necessary. Navigating change is not always easy, but leaders can take intentional steps to get their team through. 

During this interactive training, leaders will uncover their own attitudes toward change and how team members might react differently. Participants will explore different change models and create specific strategies for communicating changes with their team. 

Whether your teams are going through significant changes now or you want to be ready for whatever surprises might be around the corner, this program will get you prepared.


  • Identify perspectives to change: Participants will recognize the three approaches to change and the impact when team members have different perspectives.
  • Compare and contrast change models: Participants will explore a variety of change models and select the most appropriate model for the specific workplace situation.
  • Get ready for resistance: Participants will recognize the likely obstacles that occur during change and how to handle them.
  • Support team members: Participants will practice essential communication skills to both empathize and provide clarity during change situations. 

Perfect for: Managers wanting a better understanding of the resistance that can occur during periods of change.
Length: 3 hours
Focus: Leaders & Managers
Optional add-on: Boot Camp

Thoughtfully Fit Endurance: Set the Stage for Effective Feedback

Do you hesitate to share feedback because of the potential response? Does just hearing the word feedback make you uncomfortable? For leaders and managers, discussing mistakes, missteps, and missed expectations can be one of the most challenging parts of the job. It’s difficult to tell people where they aren’t performing to standard. And when not done well, it isn’t effective either. 

This dynamic session will explore the three fundamentals necessary to create a culture of growth and development through effective feedback. When feedback is expected, constructive, and thoughtful, employees can thrive and managers can be more effective. 

Leaders will walk away with a specific plan to create an environment of feedback so there are no surprises at the performance review.


  • Define feedback: Participants will explore different types of feedback and assess their current strategies for providing feedback.
  • Identify the barriers: Participants will learn what gets in the way of giving and receiving effective feedback without the proper culture.
  • Set the stage: Participants will explore the three fundamentals of a development culture essential for effective feedback. 

Perfect for: Leaders looking to create a culture where feedback is seen as constructive, not punitive
Length: 3 hours
Focus: Leaders and Managers
Optional add-on: Boot Camp 

Thoughtfully Fit Endurance: Overcome Obstacles to Get Results

Why is this new task so darn hard? And who has the time to pursue ambitious new work projects anyway, when things are always so hectic? By embracing a growth mindset, you can maximize your odds of success – even when outside your comfort zone. 

In this training, you’ll learn how to dive into a new project, quell your inner critic, flip the script, and embrace the learning that comes through failure. Leave with three strategies to overcome obstacles, so you can get the results you’re looking for.


  • Identify the difference between a fixed and growth mindset
  • Explore the idea of giving yourself permission to fail fabulously
  • Understand how to flip the script when limiting beliefs are holding you back
  • Recognize the value of the first step

Perfect for: Employees who are stuck or hesitating to do something new
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

“This program creates space and provides tools for self-transformation. Only positive outcomes – no matter the scale – can come from working with Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting.”

Anne Norman

SVP & Chief Marketing Officer, UW Credit Union

I’d be fine if YOU were different!

Are your team members aware of the different styles and preferences on their team? Are they leveraging those differences to see results? If not, it might be that your organization needs to develop greater FLEXIBILITY!

Thoughtfully Fit Flexibility: Leverage Differences for High Performance

Leading a team of high performers is challenging, especially in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. In this engaging training program, participants will learn how to create teams that flourish. 

Participants will explore how the strongest teams have members with diverse personalities and work styles, even if this creates more conflict. 

Whether you’re the leader or a team member, you can help to create a high-performing team by recognizing differences and discussing expectations, two strategies participants will explore in this session.


  • Understand the importance of differences: Participants will understand the benefits of diverse work styles and learn how to manage conflicts arising from these differences.
  • Develop strategies for recognizing differences: Participants will learn to recognize, value, and appreciate differences in team members and take away tips to work with different styles.
  • Discuss expectations: Participants will learn how to facilitate discussions among team members about expectations for performance, communication, and accountability to create a shared understanding of team goals and how to achieve them.

    Perfect for: Groups wanting a better understanding of their team dynamics
    Length: 3 hours
    Focus: Teams & Culture
    Optional add-on: Boot Camp 

Thoughtfully Fit Flexibility: Create Your Personal User Manual

Wouldn’t it be nice if people came with instructions? Something that would tell you what to do to motivate them and what not to do to avoid a shutdown. Well here’s your chance to provide others with your own personal user manual to do just that!

Through this interactive session, participants will increase awareness of their own behaviors – good, bad, and maybe ugly – and explore how to share their tendencies and preferences with others.

Participants will create an actual user guide that can be shared with others so they can understand the best ways to work with them in order to strengthen their working relationship. Get ready to have some fun and walk away with a deeper understanding of yourself and your colleagues.


  • Increase self-awareness: Participants will recognize their own tendencies and how they might be different from others on the team when it comes to brainstorming, feedback, communication, and more.
  • Have fun: Participants will engage in fun activities to help them learn about themselves in a safe, non-judgmental way.
  • Talk about it: Participants will learn how to communicate openly about their tendencies and quirks and acknowledge the same from their colleagues.

Perfect for: Teams who want to better understand each other’s working style and preferences to improve results
Length: 3 hours
Focus: Teams & Culture

Thoughtfully Fit Flexibility: Stretch to Accept Others as They Are

Don’t other people’s weird habits drive you crazy sometimes? In an increasingly polarized world, you’re bound to work with people you disagree with – sometimes strongly. It’s not always easy to let go and accept others as they are. 

This training will show you how you can work together with people who have a completely different style than you do instead of wasting energy trying to change them. 

You’ll learn how to distinguish between what you can and can’t change, so you can focus on what you control and let go of the rest. Leave with a strategy to increase your influence with others who are different from you.


  • Learn the benefits of accepting someone just as they are
  • Recognize the circles of control, influence, and concern and how to increase your influence by focusing on what you control
  • Practice having “elephant conversations” and how to find a way to move forward by embracing differences

Perfect for: Employees who need to recognize what they can and cannot change
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

“As a result of this program, I am much more mindful of my behaviors as well as my peers. The program was easy to follow, but also required a lot of thought and self-reflection.”

Jeannie Cullen Schulz

Vice President, JP Cullen

We need to talk.

Do your employees lack the confidence to tell you what they really think? Are your leaders hesitant to have the tough conversations? If so, consider bringing more BALANCE to your team.

Thoughtfully Fit Balance: Get to Win-Win

There is no greater sign of a high-performing leader than their ability to have challenging discussions. Whether you’re talking to a customer, an intern, or your boss, you need a conversation toolkit that’ll help you speak directly while nurturing the relationship. 

In this interactive training program, participants will learn a five-step process for conducting win-win conversations. 

Participants will be asked to apply the material to real-life examples to ensure they can immediately use their new skills.


  • Learn a five-step process for win-win conversations: Participants will explore a process to have productive conversations – even when the topics are difficult – by balancing the needs and interests of both parties to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.
  • Enhance communication skills: Participants will learn skills that’ll help them communicate more effectively, such as active listening, asking open-ended questions, and expressing empathy. They’ll also learn how to assert their own needs and interests respectfully and productively.
  • Increase confidence in conducting challenging conversations: Participants will feel more confident approaching tough conversations by learning a clear process and set of skills to address difficult topics and build stronger relationships with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders.
  • Apply the process to real life: Participants will use examples from their current professional chpractice and refine their skills to increase immediate use of their new toolkit in the workplace.

Perfect for: Managers who need to have tough conversations with colleagues
Length: 3 hours
Focus: Leaders & Managers
Optional add-on: Boot Camp

Thoughtfully Fit Balance: Stop Tiptoeing and Start Talking

Building strong communication doesn’t just happen. In most environments, people have strong opinions and generally want to get along. Those two things can be in conflict with each other. As teams change and priorities shift, it can be even more difficult to have effective conversations.

Designed for all levels of team members, this dynamic session explores a framework you can use in any conversation to make sure you balance courage, compassion, and curiosity in your communication. The session will explore three strategies to have the messy, uncomfortable, and difficult conversations – instead of dancing around or avoiding the issues.


  • Understand the importance of effective communication: Participants will explore how strong communication can positively impact team performance, morale, and productivity.
  • Learn a framework for effective communication: Participants will learn how to bring courage, compassion, and curiosity into any conversation.
  • Explore core beliefs for Balanced conversations: Participants will address the mindset necessary for substantial conversations, including maintaining a dialogue, looking to the future, and striving for alignment.

Perfect for: Any team looking to improve communication!
Length: 3 hours
Focus: Teams & Culture
Optional add-on: Boot Camp

Thoughtfully Fit Balance: Influence without Authority

When working with cross-functional teams, short-term projects, or changing staff, it’s more important than ever for all employees to have a wide variety of tools to achieve successful outcomes and create change. 

This interactive training program helps participants understand the nature of power and influence, how to influence others, and ways to leverage your influence – even when you don’t have final authority. 

Learn specific strategies to increase your influence to manage people and projects – up, down, and sideways. 


  • Define the concepts of authority and influence: Participants will gain an understanding of the nature of power and influence and the perceived and actual differences between these two concepts.
  • Identify communication styles necessary for influence: Participants will explore the balance of communicating with courage, compassion, and curiosity to find alignment and common ground.
  • Learn specific strategies to influence others: Participants will learn how to build trust, identify motivators, and deliver a clear message.

Perfect for: Team members (leaders or not) who need to work more effectively with others
Length: 3 hours or 6 hours
Focus: Individual Professional Development
Optional add-on: Boot Camp

Thoughtfully Fit Balance: Communicate with Confidence

Ever had a conversation that makes you cringe when you replay it in your head afterward? If so, you’re in good company! It’s not easy to listen actively to the other person and get your needs met simultaneously. 

By taking this training, you’ll discover how to find the right blend of courage, compassion, and curiosity, regardless of who you’re talking with. 

You’ll learn to find the middle ground between niceness and bluntness so you can handle future conversations with confidence. Leave with a strategy to communicate effectively, no matter the topic.


  • Learn the three C’s of Balanced communication: courage, compassion, and curiosity
  • Identify when one of the three C’s needs to be turned up in your conversation
  • Practice a strategy to make a clear request and find out what the other person is thinking

Perfect for: Employees who want to be more confident in their communication
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

“We engaged with Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting to do some corporate training. The series was a hit! Employees enjoyed the experience which helped them increase emotional intelligence, improve workplace communication and raised self-awareness.”

Tara Conger

Chief Operating Officer, The QTI Group

Well that escalated quickly…

Do people on your team have a short fuse when put under pressure? Do your team members need additional skills when dealing with toxic behavior? If so, consider training your team in AGILITY!

Thoughtfully Fit Agility: Think on Your Feet When Things Get Tough

Jeez, don’t you wish you could give that annoying colleague a piece of your mind? Of course you do – it’s human to think that way! Even the highest-performing teams experience conflict. 

In this engaging training, you’ll learn how the four toxins that may be lingering in your organization can create regret, tension, or animosity within teams. Most importantly, you’ll leave with a strategy on how to clean up the mess before it gets in the way of what you do best.


  • Recognize the four toxins that can infect every organization
  • Learn four strategies you can use when toxic conflict pops up
  • Create a deeper understanding of your own personal approach to conflict

Perfect for: Employees who need to respond more effectively and react less emotionally
Length: 45-90 minutes
Focus: Individual Professional Development

”The result of our session with Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting was a grand slam. She led us through a series of thought-provoking exercises that exposed opportunities to get our team more closely aligned.“

Craig Parsons

CEO, Palmer Johnson Power Systems

Leaders need to set the tone.

Are your managers always jumping in to fix employees’ problems? Are your leaders looking for the skills to be more effective? If so, our LEADERSHIP training series might be just what you need!

Thoughtfully Fit: Increase Your Impact

The Thoughtfully Fit Leadership series is designed to help managers learn and practice their leadership skills. The series includes four half-day training sessions with a different leadership focus for each session – with small accountability groups in between each workshop. In addition, participants receive weekly emails with videos, articles and discussion questions to deepen their learning in order to immediately apply their new skills in the workplace. 

Module 1 – LEAD YOURSELF: Practice Pause–Think–Act
The series starts with an overview of Thoughtfully Fit and the core strategy of pausing for a moment, thinking about what’s going on, and then acting with intention. It builds self-leadership and emotional intelligence, and shows how to achieve greater results by focusing on your own thoughts and behaviors.

Module 2 – LEAD WITH COACHING: Stop Solving!
This module focuses on how to make conscious choices in order to increase your impact and effectiveness. Participants will learn how to use coaching skills such as listening thoughtfully, self-managing, and asking questions to improve their interactions with others while reducing their workload and stress.

Module 3 – LEAD WITH COURAGE: Conduct Balanced Conversations
Employees often avoid difficult conversations that could lead to greater results, or they approach conversations too aggressively and conflict ensues. This module focuses on achieving alignment and finding a “win-win” solution by building skills to convey a clear message in a way it can be heard.

Module 4 – LEAD DURING CONFLICT: Accept Differences
This final module analyzes various leadership styles and explores ways to accept and embrace differences. Learn the impact of labels in conflict and skills that can be immediately used to effectively resolve conflict in any situation.


  • Improve executive presence: Participants will learn strategies to act thoughtfully by being intentionally and mindfully aware of self and others.
  • Set the stage: Participants will explore how to create an environment to build employee confience with less blame and judgement.
  • Elevate team terformance: Participants will build their tool-kit to develop high-performing teams that engage in healthy conflict and collaborate effectively.
  • Enhance communication skills: Participants will learn skills that’ll help them communicate more effectively, such as active listening, asking open-ended questions, and expressing empathy. They’ll also learn how to assert their own needs and interests respectfully and productively.

    Perfect for:
    Leaders and managers who want to have a stronger impact with the teams
    Length: Four months
    Focus: Leaders & Managers
    Bonus: Includes membership to the Thoughtfully Fit Gym


Coach Approach to Managing

This is an interactive four-part training series. Each half-day module has specific action items to practice after each session. Participants receive weekly videos from Master Certified Coach Darcy Luoma that review and reinforce content from the previous session and/or demonstrate core coaching skills. In addition, participants will be placed in small accountability groups, facilitated by a certified Thoughtfully Fit Coach on our team, to practice their coaching skills in between sessions.

Module 1 – Coaching Fundamentals

We will define what coaching is (and isn’t!) and explore the core coaching beliefs. Participants will practice the essential skills of coaching presence, active listening, asking thoughtful questions, and direct communication. 

Module 2 – Build Your Coaching Tool Kit

Participants will continue to build their coaching tool kit by learning key skills of designing actions, planning and goal setting, and managing progress and accountability to create awareness and break resistance.

Module 3 – Take a Coach Approach to Management 

In this session, participants will explore the various styles of management and learn the benefits of taking a coach approach to help employees be successful in their current role.

Module 4 – Plan Your Coach Approach

Participants will integrate all they learned and create a plan for how they will use coaching, and the 10-80-10 process, moving forward in their role in a thoughtful way for greatest impact.


  • Foster team development: Participants will create a coaching culture within their teams.
  • Build cohesive relationships: Participants will design and communicate ground rules and expectations to strengthen working relationships.
  • Maximize team potential: Participants will recognize how to leverage employee strengths to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Enhance communication skills: Participants will improve essential skills of asking thoughtful questions and practicing active listening.
  • Cultivate responsibility: Participants will design processes for accountability that go beyond simply telling employees what to do.

Perfect for: Leaders and managers who who want to increase employee engagement and have more meaningful conversations with their employees
Length: Four months
Focus: Leaders & Managers
Bonus: Includes membership to the Thoughtfully Fit Gym

“Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting delivers insightful educational leadership programs that provide great information and prompt the listener to reflect upon their own skills.”

Mike Koles

Executive Director, Wisconsin Towns Association

Want even more Thoughtfully Fit to reinforce your new skills?

Add a Boot Camp to your training!

Shifting organizational culture takes time and commitment – which can be difficult when leaders are focused on day-to-day issues. 

In order to continue the momentum from your training session, Boot Camps include four follow-up group virtual coaching sessions for all participants. These weekly sessions provide an opportunity for deeper discussion and accountability while leaders work to create elements of a Thoughtfully Fit culture at your organization. 

As part of the Boot Camp, participants will also have four weeks of access to the virtual Thoughtfully Fit Gym where they can participate in one-on-coaching, skill drills, and core workouts to continue building their skills.

Don’t miss out!

Contact us today to find out which training program will take your team to the next level.

“With Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting, we have established a trusted source for training and developing our managers. We are so lucky to have this partnership and look forward to more collaborations.” 

Matthew Estill

HR Specialist, Greenstate Credit Union