The Strategic Planning Every Team Needs

by | Aug 21, 2024

Darcy Luoma is one of America’s most highly credentialed coaches. She’s worked in 48 industries, with more than 500 organizations, and has impacted tens of thousands of leaders and employees.


A few years ago, I met Ben, a dynamic team leader at a fast-growing company. Ben had a knack for innovation and a drive that inspired his team to push boundaries. Yet, despite his best efforts, every time his team engaged in any type of strategic planning, the results were underwhelming. Frustration mounted as he struggled to see his ambitious ideas, and what he knew the team was capable of, come to fruition in the strategic plan.

Determined to turn things around, Ben reached out to me for help. He wanted to facilitate a strategic planning retreat, convinced that a fresh approach could make all the difference. I could hear the urgency in his voice, but I knew the real problem wasn’t in the planning itself—it was in the team’s dynamics.

“Ben,” I said, “I’d love to help your team develop a killer strategic plan, but here’s the catch: we need to start with some team strategic planning first.”

Ben was intrigued but hesitant.

“What do you mean by team strategic planning?”

I explained that before diving into the goals and priorities for his organization, we needed to first focus on building a solid foundation with his team. “You need a team strategic plan before you can effectively move on to the organizational strategic plan you have in mind.”

Team Strategic Planning Vs. Organizational Strategic Planning

When you think of strategic planning, what comes to mind? Probably a marathon meeting filled with whiteboards, sticky notes, and lots of coffee. Teams huddle up to do a SWOT analysis, define goals, plot out projects, and dream up big ideas. It’s like a game plan for the future.

But here’s the kicker: many teams jump into this type of strategic planning—let’s call it Organizational Strategic Planning—without laying the groundwork for success.

Before you dive into this traditional strategic planning, consider creating your Team Strategic Plan. This is a process where you focus on creating a solid base of communication, trust, and the ability to engage in positive conflict. Without these elements, any organizational strategic plan is doomed from the start.

Why Team Strategic Planning Matters

Think of your team as a sports team (because, let’s face it, office life is its own kind of sport). Before you can execute any game plan, you need to have a clear playbook. You need to trust each other, communicate seamlessly, and have the confidence to call each other out when necessary. Team Strategic Planning ensures your team has these skills locked in.

Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Communication: This is the lifeblood of any team. Without open and honest communication, your Organizational Strategic Planning sessions will be filled with assumptions and misunderstandings. Team Strategic Planning helps your team establish clear communication channels and encourages everyone to speak up.
  2. Trust: Trust is the glue that holds a team together. When team members trust each other, they feel safe sharing their ideas and concerns. Team Strategic Planning involves trust-building exercises and activities that strengthen the bonds between team members. We’re not talking about trust falls, but rather real discussions about what team members need to trust each other during important – and often difficult – discussions.
  3. Positive Conflict: Believe it or not, conflict is a good thing—if it’s productive. Positive conflict means healthy debates, challenging each other’s ideas, exploring blind spots, and pushing for the best possible outcomes. Team Strategic Planning teaches your team how to engage in positive conflict without it turning personal or destructive.

The Benefits of Starting with Team Strategic Planning

When teams invest time in Team Strategic Planning, their Organizational Strategic Planning sessions are more successful. Here’s why:

  • Better Buy-In: When team members feel heard and valued, they’re more likely to buy into the strategic plan. They see their fingerprints on the final product and are more committed to achieving the goals.
  • More Diverse Ideas: Team Strategic Planning creates an environment where all ideas are welcome. This leads to a richer, more diverse pool of ideas during Organizational Strategic Planning. Teams can then craft a plan that represents the collective wisdom of the group.
  • Stronger Execution: With a solid foundation in place, teams are better equipped to execute their strategy. They can navigate obstacles, adapt to changes, and keep moving forward because they trust each other and communicate effectively.

The Winning Combination

By prioritizing Team Strategic Planning, your team will be in prime shape for Organizational Strategic Planning. It’s like building muscle and endurance before running a marathon. With strong communication, trust, and positive conflict in your arsenal, your team is set for a winning season.

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