Pause Not Pies

by | Dec 13, 2017

Darcy Luoma is one of America’s most highly credentialed coaches. She’s worked in 48 industries, with more than 500 organizations, and has impacted tens of thousands of leaders and employees.


I love to eat my feelings. When I am stressed or overwhelmed, my default is to reach for another piece of pie. How about you? Most of us have ways that we deal with stress that don’t really address any of the underlying issues. Maybe you stay up all night wrapping, obsess over the holiday menu, or keep pouring just a liiiiitle bit more wine. But what if, instead of just going going going and doing doing doing, we hit the pause button for a minute?

What’s really going on?

On Thanksgiving, I had long day of travel and visiting and it all went by in a bit of a blur. I didn’t really take the time to slow down, be in the moment with the people I love that were all around me, and fully enjoy the parts of it that were special. I didn’t pause and take it all in, I just powered through.

But what if we could pause in times of stress and ask ourselves ‘what do I need in this moment?’ In that pause, you can both override your default behavior (which might not be good for your sanity or your waistline), and help increase your own self awareness. With this awareness, you can then figure out if there are other things that might help reduce stress. Would a walk make you feel better? Do you need to give yourself permission to not find the perfect gift?

Enjoy the moment

While I was not able to access my Thoughtfully Fit skills on Thanksgiving, the next day I woke up with some resolve to try and make that day better. Just like physical fitness, being Thoughtfully Fit takes work and practice. So, I decided to be more present. To enjoy the day with my family and 93 year old Grandma, to have fun searching for the perfect tree, to intentionally slow down and let the day unfold. This in turn made me feel less stressed, and allowed me just that little bit of stillness I needed to calm myself down. Interestingly, when I did this I was also less interested in that extra piece of pie!

Practice doesn’t always make perfect

I don’t think any of us are able to access the very best version of ourselves in all moments. But if you work on slowing down, focusing on what you really need, and being kind to yourself, little by little you can become Thoughtfully Fit in your day to day life. Especially at this hectic time of year when we are all overwhelmed with last minute deadlines, expectations, and holiday activities it can be especially hard to pause. But that’s when we need it the most! So focus on what’s most important to you, and give yourself the time and space to enjoy it.

Remember to build your Thoughtfully Fit core, pause–think–act, every chance you get! And while you’re at it, be sure to enjoy that pie. Everything in moderation, including moderation.

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